Meet our Neurosurgical Spine Specialist and Spine Surgeon

Christopher MacKay, BSc (Physical Therapy), MD, FACS, FAANS, FRCS(C)

Since 2002, Christopher MacKay has had the honor to provide neurosurgical & spine surgical care to the people and communities of Wausau, Stevens Point, Marshfield, central Wisconsin, and northern Wisconsin.

Over those 20 years in Wisconsin, he has developed special interest in helping people with their spine conditions.

Spine conditions can be complex and frustrating, and can affect every aspect of our life, including our home and work lives, and our relationships with our loved ones, our family and our friends. The frustration is often made worse by “fragmentation” of spine care. We see one provider who refers us to another, and then to another.

As a physical therapist and neurosurgeon, Dr. MacKay has a unique perspective on spine conditions. He enjoys assessing and educating patients about their spine, and “quarterbacking” non-operative management when that is what is best for that individual person. Nothing makes him happier than seeing a patient return to spinal health without the need for surgery or other invasive treatments.

When surgery is indicated, he has expertise in image-guided and minimally invasive surgical techniques and uses these techniques in the management of surgical spine conditions.

After surgery, he enjoys helping his patients return to their best level of functioning, including activities of daily life, pastimes, and work.